Unlock the Secrets of Body Language

Learn the art of silent communication and enhance your interactions.

Assalāmu ‘alaykum 👋

Welcome to the Freshly Grounded newsletter, today we dive into a silent but powerful language— body language.

Here’s what we got today:

  • 3 body language tips from our recent episode

  • New episode with negotiation expert

  • 50% of the FG Game (flash sale)

🔑 Speak Without Words: How Body Language Shapes Your Interactions

Turns out 93% of communication is non-verbal.

So what you’re saying without words could be making or breaking your message.

You’ve got to know how to play the game of communication, or you’ll find yourself fumbling through deals and relationships.

and i dont want that for you.

So here’s 3 tips that’ll have you speaking volumes without saying a word:

1. Eye Contact: Hold It Like a Boss 

Ever notice how the most powerful people don’t dart their eyes around the room? Lock in, but don’t be creepy.

Confidence is king.

You’ve got to show people you mean business just by the way you look at them.

2. Don’t Have Your Hands by Your Side

Hands by your side say that you aren’t confident.

Use your hands when you talk and express yourself.

This feels un-natural at first, but it’s a true sign of confidence and comfort.

3. The Smile: Your Silent Weapon 

A well-placed smile in negotiations or meetings shows you're in control and friendly, but not a pushover.

You’ll find that people also like you more when you smile, so if you’re not a smiley person naturally, just force it.

Non-verbal communication isn’t just an add-on; it’s the main course.

Whether you’re closing a deal, giving advice, or just navigating daily life, these tips will keep you in control, speaking loud even when you're silent.

You got this. Let your presence do the talking.

Latest Episode: Body Language Expert

Want to Get a Degree from Home?

partner post

Do you feel like you want to further your education? Wish you had time to learn?

Want to get a degree or masters but in a way that fits your schedule?

What if we told you, there was a way!

The International Open University offers flexible degree and masters programs taught online by Muslims.

These programs are designed to fit your schedule, so you can study at your own pace, on your own time — at home, during your commute, or anywhere that suits you.

☕️ The Black Coffee Briefings:

Bullet-point rundown of news, updates, and caffeinated contemplations:

  • FG regular, Ustadh Yahya Raaby’s mother passed away this week. May Allāh give her jannah. Please keep her in your duas

  • We finally hit 100k on IG.

  • The Freshly Grounded Game: secret flash 50% discount with code: FZ50

  • Get a degree from home and study in your own time

Until next time, may your body language reflect confidence and connection. JazakAllah khair for reading!

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