🎙 could THIS be the secret to overcoming your current hardship?

Faisal from FG here dropping some 🔥 in your inbox

Assalāmu ‘alaykum and good afternoon,

Faisal coming at ya.

Welcome to another Freshly Grounded email, the newsletter that drops so much heat that your laptop may start to sweat.

Now let’s get down to it.

Here’s what’s on the menu today:

  • A potential solution to alleviating your current trials

  • Exclusive video i never released (if ur into marketing)

  • post of the week

Revisiting the Past: could this be the secret to resolving current trials

Here’s something i was deeping recently and thought i’d share with you guys.

We know that tawbah can sometimes be the secret to our trials being lifted, our 🤲🏽 being answered and more.

I remember one of the shuyookh once shared a story with me about a woman who was undergoing significant hardship regarding a particular issue. He suggested that she introspectively reflect upon any transgressions she may not have yet sought forgiveness for and pursue tawbah for them.

Upon following this advice, her longstanding difficulties came to an abrupt end.

She did and almost instantly the years of tests came to an end.

It made me think, what if some of the tests we’re currently going through could be a result of a sin we haven’t yet made tawbah for?

have we ever paused to contemplate our past and seek forgiveness for sins that we may have forgotten or left unaddressed?

Consider, for example, a time when you may have worked in a job with dubious ethical implications or one that was riba-based. You left that position, but years later, you realize that you never truly sought forgiveness for it. Have you taken the time to express to Allah your sincere regret, your genuine remorse, and your commitment not to repeat that sin?

Perhaps this act of self-reflection and seeking forgiveness is the secret to overcoming your current trials.

Lmk your thoughts by hitting reply to this email.

Post of the Week

Teams participating in Ligue 1 (and i think Ligue 2) had to don jerseys featuring the colours of the rainbow, a symbol representative of the LGBT movement. However, several players from Toulouse FC, including their forward Zakaria Aboukhlal, declined to sport the rainbow-colored jersey.

The Beginner's Guide to Understanding Marketing Funnels

I created a video on marketing funnels, initially intended for my personal channel. However, it didn't make its debut there as planned. I'm contemplating reserving it for a future course or similar educational endeavor. Nevertheless, I felt it would be beneficial to share it here. Perhaps this video might serve as a useful resource for some of you.

What Else is Happening:

  • Our Freshly Grounded community now has 96 community members! Don’t miss out on sharing ideas, networking with likeminded, high calibre Muslims. Apply here

  • This weeks episode of the pod is with Hamza Tzortzis (out friday in shā’ Allāh!)

That’s all i got in the tank today, see you next time in shā’ Allāh 🎉

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