🎙 Ramadan Lessons from Big Faze

here's some things i worked on this year

in partnership with

Assalāmu ‘alaykum 👋

It’s been a good minute!

Welcome to the Freshly Grounded newsletter, where every sentence is a secret handshake, and every insight cements your place in this illustrious family of forward-thinkers. (do i still got it?)

Here’s what we got today:

  • 3 Lessons from Ramadan

  • Help us build a nursery for kids

  • Escape the 9-5, find work you love (sponsor)

👏 What I’ve Learnt This Ramadan

This Ramadan, I've been on a covert mission, fine-tuning the art of living. I've been intentionally focusing on three practices that have profoundly impacted my daily life. I share these in the hopes that they might resonate with you:

1. The Patience Play

In the quiet grounds of Ramadan, with shaytan off the grid, there's an unprecedented opportunity to sharpen one of our most powerful weapons: patience. 

This Ramadan, I've noticed a significant decrease in my impatience. 

So I’m trying to use this to my advantage to set habits so i can have patience outside of ramadan as well.

The idea is to emerge from Ramadan not just spiritually recharged but more patient too. 

2. Mindful Eating

Moving out to Dubai has transformed my Ramadan experience, especially in terms of family gatherings.

It’s cut down the grand family iftars to more modest gatherings. 

While I miss the communal iftars back home, this situation has inadvertently taught me the value of simplicity, particularly in eating less. 

3. The Quran

Every year, Ramadan throws down the gauntlet: how much can you really fit into your day? And every time, I manage to read more Quran than in any other month. 

It's like finding an extra hour in the pocket of an old coat, a treasure that was always there, waiting to be rediscovered. 

This month has reinforced just how much time I truly have to engage with the Quran, without detracting from my daily responsibilities.

Beyond Ramadan, let’s keep this partnership going, turning daily recitation into our secret weapon in the relentless pursuit of excellence.

In Summary

These tactics from the Ramadan playbook are designed to refine us, not just for a month but for a lifetime. 

It’s about turning the lessons learned in the shadows into actions that shine in the light. 

As we share this journey, remember that in our family, growth is the only option, and excellence is the creed we live by.

Escape the 9-5, without Sacrificing your Morals

our partner for this edition, Muslim CEO

One of the biggest challenges today is money. We’re going through an unprecedented cost of living crisis, bills are through the roof and inflation is eating up our wealth. With each day that passes, there's very little left over for life’s little luxuries.

This is why if you're a Muslim looking for an extra side income or to find something which gives you location and time freedom, as well as the ability to do something meaningful and impact the world, then you should check out Mohammad Arshad’s Ramadan Special Webinar this coming Sunday.

In it, brother Mohammad will be going through:

  • The safest way to escape the 9-5, without spending all your money, wasting

    your precious time and taking big risks.

  • How to GUARANTEE a rich-life, even if you have zero skills, experience or big

    money to invest.

  • How to earn more and work less, forever by taking the limited time you have, and transforming it into an income generating machine that works while you sleep.

P.s I heard there'll be surprises!

Help Us Build a Nursery

We’re raising money this month to build a nursery in The Gambia for orphans and the needy.

The aim is to build a purpose built nursery for children and one which facilitates for disabled chlidren also. 

As you all know, we have been involved with this amazing charity since the very beginning. Sam and I were both laying down the first few bricks for the mosque building and now fast-forward a number of years, SPOT ACADEMY is up and running. The trip to Gambia is also where both me and Sam met. 

Let's raise enough money to build this amazing nursery to provide a better lifestyle for our poor brothers and sisters. Donate now and let's help support the people of tomorrow.

☕️ The Black Coffee Briefings:

Bullet-point rundown of news, updates, and caffeinated contemplations:

  • We’re hitting the last 10 nights, keep FG in your duas this Ramadan too plz thx

  • Gmail has now been around for 20 years

  • PSA: if ur in the UK, clocks are changing this Sunday

Get The Freshly Grounded Game

That’s the dispatch. Till our next meeting, keep your gears in motion and your goals in sight.

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