🎙 The Parking Spot Miracle: A Lesson in Dua

Why You Should Make Dua for Even the Small Stuff

Assalāmu ‘alaykum 👋

Faisal here.

Welcome to another Freshly Grounded email, the newsletter that sneaks into your inbox like a well-timed heist: smooth, precise, and full of treasure.

Here’s what we got today:

  • Make dua about the small thangs

  • New FG episode

  • Get a bachelors degree without leaving your home

🤲🏻 Make Dua About the Small Things

we all know about making dua for the big things in life: health, wealth, exams, jobs … jannah.

but recently i was reminded (by myself) (lol) (how arrogant) that making dua is not limited only to the big things in life.

here’s what happened recently:

so im driving down the dual carriageway in the lambo (vauxhall astra) with my nephew in the passenger seat, on our way to the mosque for Eid prayer (yes, its taken me that long to get this email out to you)

The mosque on Eid days is PACKED, parking in this area is next-to-impossible on a non-Eid day, so you can imagine we have basically no chance of getting a decent parking spot today.

My defeated nephew looks at me and says ‘how are we gonna find parking?’

And then … i did something that i rarely do for something minor like a parking spot

i made dua.

I asked Allāh to provide for us the best and most convenient parking spot.

Then i looked to my nephew and said: “we’re gonna get the best parking spot!”

low and behold, we pull up to the mosque and as we arrive, a space right in front of the mosque door becomes available

not only that, but a double decker bus blocks the entire road so nobody other than me can get to that spot

i turned to my nephew and reflected on 3 winning elements that this brought to my attention, and here they are for us all to reflect:

  1. Make dua even for the small things

  2. Have high aspirations in your dua, i didn’t just ask for a parking spot, i asked for the BEST and MOST CONVENIENT parking spot. Remember that Allāh is capable of all things

  3. Have belief that your dua WILL get accepted. I turned to my nephew and with full commitment i told him that we will definitely get a great parking spot.

So as I finish this email, i urge you to take time out right now to make dua for something you may not have considered dua-worthy.

Latest FG Episode

Get a Bachelors Degree from Home, taught by Muslim experts

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They offer a diverse range of programs like Psychology, Banking & Finance, Economics and more, through Islamized education.

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☕️ The Black Coffee Briefings:

Bullet-point rundown of news, updates, and caffeinated contemplations:

  • pointless fact of the day: Honey never spoils. Archaeologists have found pots of honey in ancient Egyptian tombs that are over 3,000 years old and still edible.

  • YouTube now lets you request the removal of AI content that simulates your face or voice

  • Get a bachelors degree in a secular field but taught by Muslim experts with your faith in mind

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End of briefing. Stay on your toes, more classified info coming soon.

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