Are you letting your sins slip?

Assalāmu ‘alaykum 👋

Welcome to another Freshly Grounded email, the impromptu edition straight from a late-night reflection. Buckle up, this one’s raw and real.

This week i heard of the death of the person who taught me my first ever lesson in Islam, and i wanna pass that lesson on to ya’ll today.

Here’s what we got today:

  • How to hide your sins

  • New episode

  • Neuralink are trying to cure blindess

🔑 3 Ways You’re Letting Your Sins Slip

Look, we all make mistakes. But there’s a code, right? Some things you keep between you and Allāh.

Yet, without realizing it, you might be airing out your dirty laundry.

Imam Umar, who passed away this week, was a giant in the game of dawah. He laid down a few rules that shaped how Freshly Grounded does things.

So as a sadaqah jaariyah to him, i wanna lay his advice to me out here on ways you might be exposing your sins without realising it:

1. Talking About “The Old Days”

You think it’s harmless—just shooting the breeze, reminiscing about old times. But you’re exposing yourself. You don’t need to lay it all out there.

Fix: Keep it clean. Share the wisdom, skip the details. Keep ‘em guessing.

2. Dropping Pop Culture References Like It’s No Big Deal

Talking about that movie or show everyone’s raving about?

Easy slip.

What you don’t realize is, you’re endorsing something that’s got stuff you wouldn’t want on your record. Think twice before you start recommending anything with baggage.

3. Asking for Advice? Don’t Throw Yourself Under the Bus

We all need advice sometimes, but don’t be that guy who gives away his whole private life. Keep it vague. “A brother’s dealing with…”—that’s how you do it.

The streets don’t need to know everything.

Fix: When you need help, keep it tight. Anonymize your story, protect yourself.

Here’s the bottom line: You’ve got to keep some things locked down. It’s a code. You slip, you get back up—but don’t broadcast your mistakes.

Keep it between you and Allah.

That’s how Imam Umar rolled, and that’s how the FG tribe tries to keep it.

Stay sharp. Stay protected.

Latest Episode

Escaping the 9–5 and Living a Rich Life Without Restrictions

partner post

💡 One of the biggest struggles Muslims face today is balancing time.

Between paying bills and putting food on the table, there’s often very little time or energy left for the things that truly matter—like spending quality time with family and serving Allah in the best way possible.

If this is something that you’d like to improve, Muslim CEO are running a webinar to show you how to generate income, gain freedom with your time and location, and do something meaningful that makes an impact.

The 3 Secrets to Escaping the 9–5 and Living a Rich Life Without Restrictions

How an online education business can get you more freedom, income, and impact—even if you have little experience.

Mohammad Arshad & Ameen Omar
📅 September 19th, 2024
🕒 7:30 PM BST | 2:30 PM Eastern Time

☕️ The Black Coffee Briefings:

Bullet-point rundown of news, updates, and caffeinated contemplations:

  • Here’s Umar’s sadaqah page

  • Has Neuralink cured blindness? (spoiler: no)

  • Tomorrow’s webinar by MuslimCEO is one

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End of transmission. Keep your spirits high and your actions grounded. More intel coming soon.

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