šŸŽ™ The Game is RESTOCKED!

The Freshly Grounded Game + Ramadan Edition are back!

The Game + Ramadan Limited Edition: Restocked

Assalāmu ā€˜alaykum!

Faisal here and Iā€™m PUMPED to let you know that after almost a year, the Freshly Grounded Game is back!

This time, weā€™ve also restocked the hugely popular Ramadan limited edition Game too.

The Ramadan version focuses more on getting the best out of your Ramadan gatherings and conversations, from reflecting on spirituality, breaking the ice, and setting challenges. These pieces are limited so grab them before Ramadan to ensure you donā€™t miss out!

The original Game is a set of 100 conversation cards methodically designed and constructed to help you connect with loved ones on a deeper level.

Want to see the games in action? Check out the videos below:

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