🎙 How to compliment others like a boss

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Assalāmu ‘alaykum 👋

Welcome to the Freshly Grounded newsletter, where our shared values light up the path we walk together. Huddle up, it’s time for the briefing!

Here’s what we got today:

  • How to compliment effectively

  • New episode of the pod

  • A new way to fall asleep??

👏 The Lost (and Often Misused) Art of Complimenting

let’s dive deep into the art of complimenting. Now, I know some of you are thinking, "are we heading into one of those lectures about being kind?” Not exactly, but stay with me here. There's some golden info coming your way. (And by the way, that shirt you're wearing? Looks great on you. 😉)

First, a word from one of my fav authors, Dale Carnegie. In his legendary book, "How to Win Friends and Influence People," he breaks down the difference between flattery and genuine appreciation.

Carnegie believed that giving sincere compliments and showing genuine appreciation could open many doors and help establish stronger, more positive relationships.

But he warned against flattery, which he viewed as insincere and manipulative. Instead, he advocated for sincere appreciation. Here's the distinction he made:

  • Flattery: This is insincere praise, often given to gain something from the other person. It doesn't come from the heart and is usually recognised as fake by the recipient.

  • Genuine appreciation: This is when you truly see and value something in another person and express your sincere gratitude or admiration for that trait. It is heartfelt and authentic.

But, as we venture into the world of compliments, how can we ensure they're not just sprinkled sugar but genuine expressions of admiration? Raj Shamani, in his book "Build, Don't Talk," gives us a quick masterclass:

Do's and Don'ts of Giving a Compliment:

1. Keep Them Brief, Sincere, and Honest

2. Compliment Others on What They Say and What They Do

3. Don't Make Your Compliment Overly Personal (There's a fine line between, "You've got a radiant smile!" and "I can’t stop staring at your teeth.")

4. Try Not to Be Repetitive

5. Follow Up on Compliments with a Relatable Question

Also, ultimately… remember, the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was the best of examples in character. We know that Islam places a high emphasis on sincere and genuine interactions, so as with anything, we should have the intention to better ourselves as Muslims through this.

The key takeaway is that when giving compliments, they must be sincere. If you genuinely appreciate something about someone, let them know. But if you're merely flattering them for personal gain, it'll likely be transparent and counterproductive.

Until next time, may your words be as genuine as your intentions and may your compliments always find their mark. (And seriously, that shirt... 🔥)

New FG Episode: Musa Abuzaghleh

Quran educator and qari, Musa Abuzaghleh talks to us about the importance of sincerity when learning and reciting the Quran.

Pic of the Week

this is wrong on so many levels.

☕️ The Black Coffee Briefings:

Bullet-point rundown of news, updates, and caffeinated contemplations:

  • pointless fact of the day: i recently found out that Starbucks has enough customisation options such that there’s 383 billion ways you can order a latte.

  • This website soothingly reads out the Instagram terms of service to help put you to sleep

  • I helped my brother-in-law launch Odd Night, a newsletter that gives you a new business idea every other day, and it’s now live. Hit subscribe and get yourself a million dollar biz idea

Join the Freshly Grounded Members-Only Community

Apply to join the members-only discord community of ambitious, like-minded & high calibre Muslims. Here’s some of the key deets:

  • Membership is £7/ month (around $9)

  • The community is segregated with brothers-only and sisters-only channels.

  • Also get access to weekly digital marketing lessons with Faisal on zoom

That’s the dispatch. Till our next meeting, keep your gears in motion and your goals in sight.

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