🎙 Assim Al Hakeem on Freshly Grounded

is this our most viral guest yet?

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Assalāmu ‘alaykum 👋

Welcome to the Freshly Grounded newsletter, where we drop gems like Shaykh Assim Al Hakeem drops fatwas.

Here’s what we got today:

  • New episode with one of our most viral guests yet

  • A FREE fitness guide designed for Muslims

  • Pic of the day 😂

Be the Best at What You Do

Recently, I had the honour of sitting down with Sheikh Assim al Hakeem for a Freshly Grounded episode.

During our conversation, one particular concept he shared really stuck with me.

He explained, "If every Muslim was to become a scholar, then who would drive the buses? Who would teach our children in schools? Who would be a dentist?" 

It was a powerful reminder that we all have unique roles to play in society.

Here are 3 key points on how we can reflect on our roles and add value:

1. Reflect on Your Strengths and Passions

Every one of us has unique strengths and passions.

Whether you're great with numbers, have a knack for teaching, or can cook up a storm in the kitchen, these talents are not random.

They are gifts that can be used to benefit others and serve the community.

2. Embrace Your Role in Society

We can't all be scholars, and that's perfectly okay.

Society needs a mix of players to keep the game tight.

Whether you’re driving buses, teaching kids, or fixing teeth, every role is critical and deserves respect.

Own your spot and aim to be the best in your lane.

3. Use Your Talents to Benefit the Ummah

Whatever your profession or skill set, there are always ways to benefit the Muslim community.

Volunteer your time, offer your services, or simply be a role model in your field.

When we all contribute in our unique ways, we create a strong, supportive, and thriving community.

Transform Your Health with Train With Gaff

Are you ready to take your fitness journey to the next level?

Train With Gaff offers a comprehensive online fitness coaching service tailored specifically for Muslims.

With Gaff's expert guidance, you can lose 20-30lbs and achieve your fitness goals in just 12 weeks.

Nutrition doesn't have to be complicated.

Gaff's coaching simplifies healthy eating, making it easy to stay on track.

It’s okay to ask for help. Seeking guidance from an experienced coach like Gaff can save you time and effort, balancing training, nutrition, family, deen, and mental health.

AND you can get the info for FREE!

Download his FREE welcome pack filled with valuable tips and insights that have helped countless clients achieve amazing transformations.

New FG Episode: Assim al Hakeem

Pic of the Week

Join the Exclusive Freshly Grounded Community for $1/month

Join the members-only community of ambitious, like-minded & high calibre Muslims.

That’s the dispatch. Till our next meeting, keep your gears in motion and your goals in sight.

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